What does God mean when He says that “love covers a multitude of sin?” Are certain sins we can ignore? Join AMBrewster as he learns what God intended and helps Christian parents understand how it affects our parenting.
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“Love covers a multitude of sins.” I Peter 4:8b
I don’t know about you, but the common application of this verse has always troubled me. Which sins should I look over? How often should I ignore the my kid’s sins? Does God do that with me? Unfortunately, if you’ve heard that true love “covers up” sin by ignoring it, then you were subjected to the same poor interpretation that I was for so long. Today I want to look at one Old Testament verse and Two New Testament verses that correctly interpret this idea of “covering sin.” But more on that in a minute Today’s episode is short, but don’t forget that we offer a PDF of notes from each podcast. You can find these at TruthLoveParent.com. And however you choose to listen to TLP, make sure you do the following: Listen and Learn, Rate and Review, and Subscribe and Share. Rating and reviewing helps more people find us, and that’s what we want. We want to apply God’s Truth to as many families as possible. Alright, now back to our topic: Should I ever ignore my child’s sin? Topic
Okay, so here’s the one Old Testament verse and the two New Testament verses I alluded to earlier:
So, what’s the application to our parenting?
Nowhere in Scripture are Christians told that love ignores sin. In fact, the number of passages that would blatantly contradict that concept are prevalent. As a parent, it is nothing short of laziness or fear that makes us turn a blind eye to our children’s disobedience. When we choose not to address our children’s sin, we’re doing them a huge disservice -- we’re not loving them. Now, I’m not saying that there always has to be consequences or a lecture or a memory program. But since we will never accidentally glorify God in our parenting, I am saying that we need to be purposeful in how we deal with our kids’ sinful choices. It may involve waiting, but it will never involve ignoring. The four passages we looked at are, in fact, reminding us that the most loving and Christ-honoring thing we can do in the face of our children’s sin is to have a spirit of forgiveness. This interpretation is highly supported by numerous passages. Therefore, don’t ever feel responsible to ignore sin. Ever. Instead, in a spirit of love and forgiveness, speak to your child about his standing before God in an attempt to find reconciliation. Rebuking, reproving, and admonishing can be the most loving things a parent can do when they’re done with the right attitude of love and restoration. Remember our theme verse. Ephesians 4:15 “But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.” And don’t forget to download our episode notes. They can be a huge help in reminding us of our parental responsibilities. I’m very much looking forward to our next episode. It will be our second two part show about the part emotions play in our lives and the lives of our children. I can tell you this for sure -- the world’s ideas about emotions are a Failure Philosophy of epic proportions. And too many Christians are embracing those philosophies in their parenting. So, please join us next time for the first part of this extremely important study. And don’t forget to Like and Follow TLP on Facebook and @AMBrewster on Twitter. And we greatly appreciate all of you who Listen and Learn, Subscribe and Share, Rate and Review. Thank you for taking the time with us today. Our God is so awesome, how could be not want to know how His perfect Truth can help us parent better today? So whether your kids are biological, adopted, foster, or step . . . you can be the best parent they will ever have when you submit to God’s Word. Have a great week!
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