Sponsoring an episode is a great way to promote your product.
For Organizations
If you're interested in advertising a Christ-honoring product or service designed for spouses, parents, family, and/or children on a Truth.Love.Parent. episode, please fill out the form below.
We offer the following options per *CPE:
Ad Copy:
Podcast Stats:
Hear what our listeners are saying!
*TLP content is evergreen, and TeamTLP doesn't care to crunch numbers for the entire lifespan of your episode. For these reasons, CPE stands for "Cost Per Episode" and states that regardless of how many plays or downloads your episode has over the course of its life, you will never pay more than the one-time CPE.
For Individuals
- Sponsoring a show is such a blessing to TeamTLP. Thank you for even considering it!
- When you become a Sponsor, we start the show with a huge "Thank You!" by sharing your name . . . unless, of course you'd like to remain anonymous.
- You can become a Sponsor for just $10. Anything you give above and beyond that is greatly appreciated!
- Please fill out the form below to continue.