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Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.
Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.
Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.
Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.
Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.
Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.
Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.
Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.
Who gets to decide what’s good and bad? What happens when we try to define it for ourselves? Can God’s definition of words really help us defeat racism and make the government work better? Take a step back to see the big ideas of the Season as AMBrewster reviews Season 16 and previews Season 17.
Support TLP by becoming a TLP Friend! Discover the following episodes by clicking the titles or navigating to the episode in your app: “TLP 391: A Parent’s Final Words" “TLP 392: The Reality of Rebellion" “TLP 393: What Happens When Your Family Does What’s Right in Its Own Eyes?" “TLP 394: What Does It Mean to Teach Your Children to Think?" “TLP 395: God’s Truth, Satan’s Lies | and how to parent out of death into life" “TLP 396: Three Desires and Your Parenting | Dave Bender Interview" “TLP 397: How Children Understand Justice and Injustice | and how to teach them to think biblically about it" “TLP 398: What Makes Children Naturally Not Racist" “TLP 399: What Makes Children Naturally Racist" “TLP 400: Teach Your Children What the Bible Says about Racism" “TLP 401: Help Your Children Celebrate Biblical Diversity and Unity" “TLP 402: How Your Children Should Think about the Government” “TLP 403: Teach Your Children to Discern by Teaching Them to Divide” Click here for our free Parenting Course! Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram. Follow us on Twitter. Follow AMBrewster on Parler. Follow AMBrewster on Twitter. Pin us on Pinterest. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Need some help? Write to us at [email protected]. Click "Read More" for today’s Transcript. Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent. |
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September 2024