Other Biblical Counselors
If you'd like to meet in person with a counselor, but there are no Truth.Love.Counselors near you, then try this list of ACBC certified counselors in your area.
We love the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and support all it does, but since we don't know all of their certified counselors personally, we must acknowledge that there may be some whose counseling style we could not endorse. However, if that is the case, no doubt ACBC would take issue with them as well.
Click here for a list of ACBC certified biblical counselors in your area.
We love the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and support all it does, but since we don't know all of their certified counselors personally, we must acknowledge that there may be some whose counseling style we could not endorse. However, if that is the case, no doubt ACBC would take issue with them as well.
Click here for a list of ACBC certified biblical counselors in your area.