Welcome to Truth.Love.Parent.!
Let's talk a little about who we are and what that means for you. It may be hard to believe, but I’ve met men and women who don’t mind being failures at parenting. To them, their children were an accident and -- if they didn’t get an abortion in the first place -- they’re impatiently waiting for their child to turn eighteen and leave the house. But I don’t think that describes you. If you’re reading a biblical blog on parenting, you understand that God’s given you an eternally significant job, and you need as much advice, encouragement, and assistance as you can get. I know I do. And that’s what we at Evermind Ministries and Truth.Love.Parent. want to offer you. God’s Word has everything we need for life and godliness; that includes your daily parenting. So, let’s start with introducing who we are and then discuss how we hope to help you become more intentional, premeditated, disciple-making parents. AMBrewster My name is Aaron Michael Brewster. My wife and I have been married for eleven years and we have two children. At the time of this writing, Micah is ten and Ivy is seven. Now, some of you may be preparing to navigate away because you’re wondering what a guy with elementary-aged children can offer you and your teenager. Well, hold on. I’ve been in full-time Christian service for the past ten years, and before that I finished my graduate work in biblical counseling. In 2007 I began teaching at Schaumburg Christian School in Schaumburg, Illinois. Among other things, I was on the high school faculty and eventually given the supreme privilege of being the Dean of Students. Handling the discipline in a large Christian school may not sound enjoyable, but I loved it. That role afforded me the opportunity to engage in preventative discipleship opportunities as well as work with families and students who found themselves in sin’s death-grip. There’s nothing more spiritually intimate than allowing God to use your own brokenness to minister to hurting families. I’m eternally grateful for my time there. But in 2014 God moved me and my family to a new ministry. I filled the dual roll of Lead Counselor and Residence Manager at Victory Family Ministries in Amberg, Wisconsin. During the school year I worked primarily with our Academy for Boys where my family invites up to eight at-risk teen boys live with us. Our model is a that of a “professional family.” We eat and prepare meals together, study God’s Word, work together, and have an awesome time doing it. From 2016-2019 I functioned as the Residence Manager and Director of the Academy. Living in the Northwoods of Wisconsin afforded us beautiful locations where we could canoe, rock climb, hike, camp, and enjoy all the outdoor fun you can cram into a ten-month program. But beside my relationship with my wife and kids, being the Lead Counselor for the guys and working with their parents are the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. I now work full-time for Truth.Love.Parent. as the president and executive director. In addition to the daily running of the ministry, I create content, speak, and counsel. I’ve dedicated my life to working with families of every age and size because the single most vital human relationships you will ever have are the ones in your own home. And I believe that the Bible has everything your family needs to glorify God. And I’d be honored to share it with you. Evermind Ministries And that’s what another ministry I’m involved in is all about. Evermind Ministries is the parent organization which publishes a blog on Christian living, provides challenging and uplifting content on social media, participates in speaking opportunities across the US, and -- for the first time today -- has a podcast dedicated to “using God’s Word to help Christians become intentional, premeditated parents.” You can find out more about Evermind at EvermindMinistries.org. But for now, let’s discuss this podcast, Truth.Love.Parent. and how we hope to serve you as you steward your family. Truth.Love.Parent
But, “wait,” you say, “I love when my husband does that.” And here’s the point. God does command us to love our wives, and -- to be transparent -- that’s easier said than done. Seriously, what does “love” really look like. Is it buying her flowers, helping in chores, and rubbing her feet? Does that communicate genuine love to everyone the same way? Is that what God meant?
My wife and I are like many of you -- we don’t fit the old-school sex stereotypes too well. So, how does a counselor apply the command to love to a wide range of listeners without suggesting unhelpful or unbiblical ideas? What we hope to do is address the roots of who you are. I want to get detailed and intentional with what God wants us to believe and how He wants us to think. When we’ve accomplished that, when we’ve really tuned our minds that way God intended us to be before the fall, the actions and practices that grow from those roots are guaranteed to glorify God. I won’t need to metaphorically tape fruit on the tree or legislate specific actions with no biblical basis. Once we know and trust God, the life and godliness follows. This is is greatest issue facing the church today. This is the reason families are broken. We all need a new mind. And that mind is the mind of Christ.
Please check out EvermindMinistries.com and VictoryAcademyForBoys.org to learn more about the ministries featured on today’s show. You can also email us at [email protected] to ask questions or give us ideas for future podcasts. And, of course, you can follow me on Twitter @AMBrewster.
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