Join AMBrewster to discuss Evangelism Parenting and learn to tie the Gospel to everyday life.
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For those of you who haven’t yet figured out if your children are Hard, Rocky, Thorny, or Soft-Hearted — I suggest you listen to The Four Children, episodes 55-59.
For the rest of you, if you believe your children are Hard, Rocky, or Thorny, than the sad reality is that they’re unsaved even though they may appear very spiritually minded or enjoy doing biblical things. I’ve communicated with many of you recently, and — though coming to the conclusion that your child likely isn’t born again is a heavy reality — at least you know your children needs an Evangelist Parent. But more on that in a minute. On iTunes we currently have nine amazing reviews and twelve 5-star ratings. Will you please consider adding to those numbers? TeamTLP and I would greatly appreciate it because the more 5-star ratings and positive reviews we have the more searching parents can find our podcast and hear how God’s Word applies to their parenting. And the more people who subscribe to TLP and download our episodes, the better chances we have of getting onto New & Noteworthy list which increases our exposure. So, thank you in advance for your help! Okay, so what exactly is Evangelism Parenting? Topic
The first question we need to answer is . . .
What’s an Evangelist? The biblical office on an evangelist is a “publisher of glad tidings.” In a modern context, often this individual travels frequently from church to church. This makes them less like a traditional pastor because their main goal is to introduce as many people to the Gospel as possible. After leading a soul to Christ, they connect them with a local body of believers to help them in their discipleship and sanctification. In regard to parenting, I use the term “Evangelism Parenting” to refer to a specific form of child-rearing that focuses on introducing a lost child to Christ so that they follow Him and are born again into the family of God. In the strictest sense, the parent would cease to be an Evangelist Parent at this point because their child is now a believer. Now they start Discipleship Parenting. However, I don’t want anyone to be confused. All Ambassador Parenting is Gospel-centered parenting. Evangelism Parenting is simply a stage of Ambassador Parenting that focuses on encouraging your child to accept the Good News of Salvation. If you don’t know what Ambassador Parenting means, please check out episodes 26 and 27. But my main concern in this discussion is that no one think that once our kids get saved we stop talking about the Gospel. May that never be! So, let’s discuss what the Gospel is. What’s the Gospel? Technically the Gospel is the “good news” of Christ’s life, death, burial, and resurrection. But even though we generally consider those events only during Christmas, Easter, and when witnessing to someone, the reality is that the Gospel needs to motivate our every thought and deed. In episode 52 I discussed two amazing parenting resources: one of them was TruthLoveParent.com. Right now you can find some helpful information, our episode notes, transcripts, and the like, but in the future we want TruthLoveParent.com to be the hub for all things parenting. But the second resources I mentioned was a book written by Paul Tripp called simply “Parenting.” I think it’s one of the best parenting books out there, and it’s 100% consumed with the Gospel. In the introduction to his book he writes, “I am deeply persuaded that what is missing in most Christian parent’s parenting are the big grand perspectives and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These perspectives and principles are radical and counterintuitive. They’re simply not natural for us, but they’re essential to being what you’re supposed to be and doing what you’re supposed to do as a parent. When you parent with what the gospel says about God, you, your world, your children, and God’s grace, you not only approach parenting in brand-new ways, but you carry the burden of parenting in a very different way.” So, please understand that Ambassador Parents are consumed with the gospel from beginning to end. But Evangelism Parenting is specifically guiding your child toward salvation through the mundane elements of life. So, I want to take the remainder of our time getting nitty-gritty about how Evangelism Parenting works from day to day. What’s Evangelism Parenting? So, either because your child has never accepted Christ as their Savior, or they made a profession, but you’re concerned they seem to have a Rocky or Thorny-Heart, you should consider the following five steps to being an Evangelist Parent.
Okay, so let me try to show you what this may look like. It’s not a script, it’s just an example. Let’s work through the steps:
Please don’t hesitate to write us at [email protected] for specific advice for evangelizing your unsaved child.
And don’t miss the episode notes at TruthLoveParent.com linked in the description. Before I tell you about our Father’s Day episode, I want to thank Cara for being a TLP Friend. Her support enables us to continue dealing with these vital parenting subjects. If you’d be interested in supporting TLP, please click the “Support TLP” link in the description. Okay, so our next episode is entitled “Dad’s Are We Worth Celebrating?” Tune in next time to learn how to be a parent worth celebrating. And will you please consider liking, following, and subscribing on our various social media pages? You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. The Bible says that God is not willing that nay should perish, but that all should come to repentance. I don’t doubt that you want your child to accept Christ as their Savior, but are you spreading the gospel seed every opportunity you get?
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January 2025