Discover even more places to enjoy Truth.Love.Parent.TranscriptIntroduction
Happy June! Happy Season of Power! And Happy Season 19!
It’s a great time to be alive because we serve a great God Who’s sovereignly in control of all things. We’re only ever going to experience that which the Lord intends to make us more like Him. So, we might as well submit to that, enjoy it, and grow from it. Today we’re going to talk about all things Season 19, but — before we do that — I want to plant a seed thought in your mind. I know that summer is busy. We’re starting a new routine, people are starting their summer vacations, and other than VBS, the church normally stops scheduling events because attendance is down. That’s why September and October are the start of conference season. So, this may not be the best time for a conference, but it’s the perfect time to start thinking about one because they take some planning. So, as you consider your plans for this fall or your church’s plans for this fall or your school’s plans for this fall, please consider the following: I would love to have an opportunity to speak with you and your community. You could invite me into town to have an in-person TLP Meetup, or you could have a virtual one. You can learn more about TLP Meetups in our store at I could also speak to your students during opening exercises this fall. I could be part of a parenting conference or a couple’s retreat or a family seminar. Or Truth.Love.Parent. could put on the whole event. I’ve also spoken at teacher’s conferences, training events for pastor’s, Christian camps, school chapels, and the like. And — given our modern technologies — these speaking opportunities can be both in-person and virtual. So, give it some thought. There are many ways that I could have the opportunity to speak into your life in a more personal and specialized way, and I’d love to talk about the options with you. Recently, Danielle, a long time listener, shared this, “To date, we've had AMBrewster speak three times in our virtual chapels and everyone present was incredibly blessed. Parents contacted us about how much they learned from the feedback from their children. Our 6th through 12th graders, the teachers, and the administration have learned so much, and we look forward to growing an even deeper relationship between Grace Christian School and Truth.Love.Parent.” I love the Grace Christian School family, and I’d love to get to know your family better. So, check out or to start the conversation. And, with that, let’s turn our attention Season 19. Topic
I’m so excited that we’re coming to the end of our fifth year of ministry, and Season 19 wraps it up!
And I want to share with you our Goal and our plan to reach that Goal. 1. The Goal for June, July, and August By the end of this year the podcast will be five years old and the ministry will be two years old. And — as a new ministry — TLP is growing by leaps and bounds! Because of the faithful giving of our TLP Friends, we’re able to serve families more and more. And — for those of you who are new to TLP — the three main ways we serve families are as follows: 1. We produce parenting resources to equip dads and moms to be the parents God’s called and created them be. This comes in the form of our podcasts, blog, and the various tools we create. 2. We train pastors, counselors, and teachers to work with at-risk children and broken families. Even though there is so much family-hurt in this world, being able to serve those families in Christ-honoring ways is not a well known skill. And since we will never have the chance to work with billions of families across the globe, we desire to train their community leaders to do it. And 3. We offer individual and family counseling. Now, our Season 19 goal is going to help us increase the effectiveness of each of those three categories. Our goal is to create TLP-TV. TLP-TV will be a TV studio where we can create engaging video resources for families, training courses for pastors, counselors, and teachers, and counseling videos that will help counselees to grow even more in the Word. Not only that, but when the station is up and running, we’ll be able to create brand new shows to serve Christian families in new dynamic ways. I’ve always said that the best discipleship is life-on-life — two or more people doing life and maturing in Christ together. But the further you move away from that model, the less powerful the medium. For example, books are great, but they’re not as impactful as hearing the author speak the words — hence, one of the reasons that audio book sales are growing. But podcasts and audio books lack the visual element that helps you better relate to the speaker. Of course, in person events like conferences are even better than online videos or digital curriculum, and one-on-one discipleship is better than that. But, right now TLP is mostly written and audio communication. Yes, we offer services on the other end of the spectrum — the in-person counseling and conferences — but we don’t have a very robust video ministry . . . and — as most of you know — video is a powerful medium in our modern world because of the ability for people you’ll never meet in person to be blessed by God’s message through you. So, TeamTLP and I want to dedicate June, July, and August to video content creation. Much of Phase 1 is going to be counseling related. So much of what I do is in the counseling room, and the power of that individualized discipleship relationship is so important, I want to focus our energies in that direction first. But we also want to create online courses and video content for the people we’er not working with on a weekly basis. That will be Phase 2. And it’s our plan to work on Phase 1 and Phase 2 this summer. Now, that’s the goal, but I also want to tell you about the method we plan to use to achieve the goal. But before I do, I want to encourage you to stick around until the end of this episode. Yes, we’re creating a TV studio, but as we do so, we also have other exciting opportunities that arise. And I’ll talk about those at the end. But — for now . . . 2. The Method to Achieve our Goal Since Truth.Love.Parent. is a fairly new non-profit ministry, and since we’re still in the infancy stage, we don’t have a huge team. Yes, the TeamTLP volunteers are amazing and help me so much, but I’m the only one on the payroll, and I’m the main content creator. That means if I’m going to focus my time on the complicated process of writing, filming, and producing the video content, I’m going to have to reschedule some things. So, here’s my plan. For the months of June, July, and August, we’re going to continue to post The Best of TLP. We’ve been doing this for 5 years, this is our 438th episode, and many of you — including all of our new listeners — haven’t heard most of those episodes. So, in order to free up my time to focus on TLP-TV, we’re going to post The Best of TLP every Tuesday of Season 19. Now, I will still be recording an intro to each episode and keeping everyone abreast of our progress as we work through the summer. But, though I’ll be taking a break from creating new content for the Truth.Love.Parent. podcast, I will still be creating new Celebration of God podcast episodes every Friday. If you’ve haven’t subscribed to The Celebration of God yet, you’re missing out. I created that resource to help dads and moms disciple their kids. It’s just for you, and . . . let’s be honest . . . it’s fun! Now, I know some people are relieved with announcements like this. They’re looking at how crazy their summer is going to be and how far behind they already are in their podcast listening, and they welcome a chance to stop falling further and further behind. And then there are some of you who are sad. You’ve already heard every episode multiple times, and you were so very much looking forward to new content. Well, don’t despair. There’s a very good possibility that we’ll be posting some interview episodes throughout the summer, and — since I’m a softy for the keystone episodes — I do plan to record a brand new episode for number 450. Just remember, though I may be taking a break from writing all new TLP episodes, I’ll still be working away at The Celebration of God as well as creating brand new video content designed to bless you, your family, and your community. So, that’s our exciting news for this summer! But I do have a bonus point for you. 3. What You Can Do to Keep on Growing Though it’s completely appropriate to take a break from a podcast, job, or ministry, it’s never appropriate to stop being conformed into the image of Christ through sanctification. That means that we still have a lot of work to do this summer because none of us are perfect. So, whether you’re new to the show or not, allow me to point you a number of Truth.Love.Parent. resources that will help you and your family mature this summer. A. We still have our review episodes and all the other one you may not have heard yet. I’m going to suggest that if you haven’t worked through TLP from episode one this would be a great time to do so! B. If you’re not a member of the TLP Family, then we have resources you don’t even know about yet. There you’ll find our “40 Day Devotional for Dads” written by Tom Sugimura. You’ll get a free copy of the Communication House that you can post in your home and use to teach your kids about Christ-honoring family communication. And we have an original biblical companion guide to Kristen Jenson’s “Good Pictures Bad Pictures.” And you can also get access to our James Bible Study that I did during the lockdowns of 2020. But, that’s not all. As I already mentioned . . . C. We’ll still be producing new episodes of The Celebration of God podcast every Friday. And, if you find yourself with some extra time this summer, you can follow in the steps of hundreds of parents before you by signing up for . . . D. Our 25 Days to Becoming a Premeditated Parent email course. But what if you’d like some more personalized growth opportunities this summer? Don’t forget about . . . E. Our Virtual and In-Person Speaking Opportunities which include our TLP Meetups, workshops, conferences, and seminars. But if you would like to use the summer months for some really intensive spiritual growth, I suggest you sign up to work with . . . F. A TLP Biblical Counselor. And you can learn about all of this at There you can access our podcasts, free episodes notes, and blog as well as sign up for the TLP Family, start a free parenting course, and get more information about TLP Conferences and Counseling. If you ask me, there are plenty of opportunities for personal maturity this summer! Conclusion
And, in conclusion, I would ask that you do two things for us.
1. Please pray for us. We have a big job ahead of us . . . an increasingly big job ahead of us. Video production is a big deal, and we have a very small staff. And that leads to . . . 2. Please give. Ministry growth can be expensive. Moving into a physical location, building a studio, purchasing the technology, and producing the content is an expensive task. We know God can provide, we’ve counted the cost, and we know this plan is a wise one, so, we’re excited to see how God will use you to fund this project. If you go to you can learn about three ways of giving. The first is a one-time gift. That will go a long way in helping us create this new content. The second is monthly giving. This type of giving is our favorite because the consistent nature of it helps us to budget our income and expenses better. And the third way to give is called in-kind giving. We’ve provided a very helpful list of things we need for our new space. In-kind giving would include donating the things on the list, if you already have them, or purchasing those items specifically for us. And — with that — I want to fulfill my promise by telling you about the other awesome opportunities that this studio provides. We’re hoping that the space we get is big enough to build a professional sound stage for TLP-TV, but we’re also praying that the space is big enough to use for other things as well. For example, one of the spaces at which we’re looking now would be big enough for a studio, a local counseling center, and an intimate conference space. Imagine the impact we could have on our own community with a space like that. Now, again, I want you to know that we are definitely counting the cost. We believe in wise, Christ-honoring financial stewardship. We already have some key donors lined up to make this happen, but we do need more help. Please check out to learn more. And share this episode on your favorite social media outlets so more families can be introduced to Truth.Love.Parent., our mission, but — more importantly — our God. And I hope you’ll join us next time as we once again open God’s Word to discover how to parent our children for life and godliness. To that end, we’ll continuing Season 19 with our Best of Series.
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