Unless an absent-minded scientist creates a time machine in the near future, 2019 will forever remain in our past. But that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to benefit from the lessons we learned last year! What follows are the Top 10 Truth.Love.Parent. Episodes of 2019 and a description of what makes them so valuable. 10. TLP 308: The Point of (nearly) Every ConversationGiven the fact that we talk with our kids about countless topics all day every day, it may surprise us that nearly every conversation should have the same point. However, given the fact that there exists one point that is so important it should work its way into nearly every conversation, no one should be surprised that this was our tenth most popular episode in 2019. 9. TLP 225: How Do You Become . . . ? | become a new parent in the new year Our 2019 New Year series was extremely important because it didn’t simply talk about how important it is to be an intentional, premeditated, disciple-making Ambassador Parent who conforms their teaching, interpreting, counseling, and training to the Scriptures, it showed us the first steps to actually becoming that kind of parent! 8. TLP 253: Reducing Waste in Your HomeIf you spend any time with Mr. Brewster, you probably won’t go a week without hearing him say, “God hates waste.” Therefore, we're pretty sure he would be happy to hear that our eighth most popular episode in 2019 dealt with how our families can reduce all kinds of waste in our homes. 7. TLP 254: What Your Children's Toys Are Teaching ThemMr. Brewster really enjoyed this episode, and it seems we did too! Too often we take things like toys for granted. Our kids ask for them, or we choose them because we like them, but then we give very little thought to the affect they have on our kids. But everything and every experience in life either builds up our philosophies or tears them down. So, what are your children’s toys teaching them? 6. TLP 260: Children and Shame, Part 1 | a perspectiveThis series covered an extremely important topic. Shame is such a massive issue in our day and age that there is much misinformation and even more lies concerning children and shame. Thankfully, TeamTLP is dedicated to discovering what the Bible has to say about every sensitive topic . . . including shame. 5. TLP 257: How to Handle FailureOur children are going to fail in some way at some point. The real question is how we’re going to respond when they do. 4. TLP 276: Change Starts with Me, Part 1 | the goalToo many people think that parenting is all about changing our kids. Though it’s true that God desires to use us in our children’s maturation process, the real point of parenting is to change . . . us! And it’s through our personal change that God works in our children to change them. Do you want change in your family? Then start by changing you. 3. TLP 297: Sight & Sound & Your Family, Part 1 | Katie Miller interview and TLP 298: Sight & Sound & Your Family, Part 2 | Brandon Talley & Katie Miller interviewTLP’s third place episode is a duo interview with some amazing people from the Christian theater company, Sight & Sound. Katie and Brandon are wonderful people who love God, families, and theater. Check out the conversation to learn more about Sight & Sound, but to also learn how we can use theater to parent our kids. 2. TLP 287: Parenting Angry Children, Part 1 | why our kids get madIt shouldn’t surprise any of us that a series about angry children should be one of the most downloaded series of the entire year. Anger is real, it’s powerful, but it’s also curable by the grace of God. We pray this series helps your family break the destructive hold of anger. 1. TLP 306: Parenting Fearful Children | the realities of good fear Fear, anxiety, doubt, worry, and insecurities are a daily experience for many children around the world. But we serve a God who dispels fear. How can we help our children overcome the fears in their lives? Start with this series! TeamTLPTeamTLP is made up of God-fearing, family-loving volunteers.
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