How do you kill a Christian in America . . . and get away with it? Imagine an America where killing Christians is not only socially acceptable, but also considered beneficial and even enjoyable. What social dynamics would have to exist in order for a society to reach this point? Let’s do a little reverse engineering. Reverse EngineeringWhat would have to happen in American to make killing Christians legal? Like solving a geometric proof, in order to prove the "given" that it may one day be legal to kill Christians, we must prove a series of other propositions using logic, precedent, and reasoning. Let's start with the proposition closest to the given. Proposition 3: A government that takes the life a Christian (solely for being a Christian) must first make Christianity illegal. Even though capital punishment isn’t as popular in America now as in previous decades, our government already possesses the power to dispatch those individuals whose crimes are so egregious that the public must be protected from them at all costs. But that’s not currently true of Christianity in America. Therefore, in order to prove our given, we must ask what would have to happen to make Christianity illegal in the U.S.? Proposition 2: A government that makes Christianity illegal must first convince the culture that Christianity is harmful. All laws are created because the law-givers (parents, teachers, kings, and republics alike) have decided that certain words and actions -- and, in some dystopian fiction, even thoughts –- are harmful to the culture. In America, our Constitution allows for representatives of the people (who act in accordance with the people’s wishes) to create laws. Therefore, the majority of people would have to be persuaded that the beliefs and actions of Christians are so harmful to the public that laws must be enacted to protect the nation from Christianity. Let's consider our current cultural climate. Harvard professors have recently argued that homeschooling needs to be abolished specifically to keep children from being "brainwashed" by their conservative parents. Bill Gates has invented a vaccine that will target and deaden a section of the brain he believes produces what he refers to as fanatic fundamentalist religious beliefs. The woke culture of the extreme left believes that conservative and -- specifically -- Christian beliefs are not only disgusting but also dangerous to everyone who interacts with them. Even professing "progressive Christians" believe it's inappropriate to "colonize" a child's spirituality. And recently a teacher at an episcopal high school verbally attacked one of the students for doing nothing more nor less than posting conservative content on her social media. At the time of this publication, the student is facing disciplinary action for her conservative posts. In order to make Christianity illegal, you must convince the culture that it's harmful to the nation. Given recent events, it's very easy to argue that this has already happened in America -- at least on a broad scale. But for those who do not see how Christianity is being demonized, we must ask the final question in order to prove the last proposition. How might a government demonize Christianity as a precursor to calling it dangerous? Proposition 1: A government that demonizes Christianity must first persuade the nation that Christianity is divergent. Not all things that one people group find harmful are viewed the same by another. A facet of the U.S. believes vaccinations are deadly while another believes them to be necessary for survival. Part of the nation is convinced we have to wear masks to survive, and the other part thinks masks are part of the problem. How does one group persuade others to join their side? The best way to convince the nation that Christianity is harmful is to provide factual evidence of the destructive nature of Christianity. But since there is neither contemporary nor historical evidence of genuine negatives growing from biblical Christianity, naysayers will have to either lie or take the sneaky approach -– generalization. Lies are easy to come by and are as old as sin itself. Scan any social media platform and you will find more lies about Christianity than you can read in a lifetime. But the best lies will be the ones that make the sins of Christians -– which are clearly condemned by Scripture -– seem like the actual tenants of Christianity, or at least stereotypical of the whole. Enter generalization. Christians will be defined by the worst of their kind: hypocrites, crusaders, and bigots. And when that fails because the listeners are capable of logical, reasoned thought (a dying ability), then the God-haters will have to resort to making Christians look weird, awkward, fanatical, strange, and untouchable. Because Christianity cannot be proven to be genuinely harmful, people must be made to believe that it is at least divergent from the "woke" path. It is undeniable that this is happening every day in America.
ConclusionA government may kill what it determines is illegal. A government may make something illegal if it decides it's dangerous. A government may call something dangerous if it declares that it's divergent. There are countries in the world where it is legal not only for the government to kill Christians, but also for common citizens to get involved. There are countries in the United Nations that have made Christianity illegal. And of the three steps to making it legal to kill Christians in America, the U.S. has been fully invested for years in the first, and is moving through the second as quickly as it can. I’m not going to provide a prediction or a timeline. I believe history does that just fine. However, allow me to point out that the first draft of this article was written in 2016. Back then I conjectured that America was solidly in Phase 1 and only hinting at Phase 2, but now -- only four years later -- I am amazed how far into Phase 2 we are. But though I don't intend to provide a prophetic timeline, I will say that if Christians do not take this reality seriously, most of us will be completely blindsided when we discover that our faith in God is now illegal and punishable by death. However, I am not suggesting we fear that day. I am instead suggesting we do the following:
I do believe there’s hope for individual revival in America. I believe that -- by the grace and power of God -- American Christians will still be able to share the Truth even if we are one day murdered for doing so. But I also believe it won't be long before we see the first legal American martyr. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. If you're a Christian who loves God, I invite you to join The Celebration of God. If you're a parent, I invite you to access the free parenting resources available at Truth.Love.Parent.
10/11/2021 09:50:38 pm
Do you believe in God? Prove it. I'm listening. I believe in a higher power. My higher power is within me. I make my decisions. I decide how I feel. I decide what emotion I want to take on at any given instant. God? Which one? Just asking.
4/2/2023 07:42:09 pm
I believe in God he created me
11/16/2023 02:30:20 pm
The only good christian is a crucified one . . . and that's what I'd like to do to each and every one of you deluded impediments to social progress.
Dylan Mulvaney
1/29/2024 06:57:26 pm
“ But I also believe it won't be long before we see the first legal American martyr.” Christianity IS the problem. All religion MUST be vanquished from Earth. It is delusional oppression. I want Christians fucking dead. All they do is fuck little boys up the ass and that can't be good. All Christians need be nailed to crosses and tortured. Then they can feel like their master they worship and praise. Fuck Jesus. .He's a cocksucker
7/3/2023 08:14:57 pm
11/4/2023 04:21:52 am
Nobody is going to kill christians, but you literally think you're going to die if you can't harm and oppress the people your book tells you to hate. You people are the problem, your religion is a death cult. I burned my bible rather than become a force of evil like you.
5/11/2024 09:17:24 pm
Thank you Tom I would not ever want to be Christ he are so fucking rotten he legalized homosexuality frees pedophiles and financially supports them and promotes rule anarchy in his doctrine in a entirety I would not ever want to even be like him the son of a bitch are the epitome of all that are crime filth and hatred fuck you Christ!!! 12/30/2022 10:41:51 am
Dear "Satan,"
2/16/2023 04:50:21 pm
you are a brainwashed idiot. DEAD CHRISTIANS AREVTHE ONLY GOID CHRISTIANS. We don't need to lie about Christianity to demonize it. YOU DEMONIZE YOURSELVES FOR US.
4/21/2023 03:55:55 am
The only good Christian is a dead Christian. Amen.
Kristi nomas
1/29/2024 06:24:49 pm
Fucķ u christian sheep your mass delusional bullshit directly fucked me up the underage aşs and exploited my guardians for power and money eat šhit møron because you'll never be capable of thinking for yourself
4/17/2023 02:18:33 am
I fail to see a problem here. You "blessed" people don't just deserve death, but slow & painful deaths for all the problems you've subjected humanity.
4/21/2023 03:52:30 am
Christians deserve the genocide that’s coming for them. If anyone deserves eternal torture in a fiery hell, it’s the people of the Christian church.
Ivor Reevs
1/29/2024 06:53:23 pm
A completely BASED comment, with a supreme intent. I fully agree, these rats must be wiped off the face of the earth.
5/13/2023 07:11:29 am
I'm not sure in the article why AMBrewster continually points out that the Government does this and the Government does that to Christians (including kill them).
1/29/2024 06:52:17 pm
Good. I hope this plan succeeds. Conservative Christianity has become the regressive cancer of the west. Seeking to erase personal freedoms of individuals in boldly autonomy, yet turns a blind eye to the sexualisation of young women and torturing the mentally ill.
2/22/2024 08:07:42 pm
Human created religions — manipulation, coercion, lying, apologizing for poorly written man-made religious text, misleading the vulnerable, selling fear & hate, manipulative, guiding gullible people down a path to commit atrocities in the name of love. What a waste of human protoplasm. Ignorance, cognitive dissonance, & delusion on the march. Truly sad.
3/20/2024 12:49:13 am
Sounds like a great plan! When can we start hunting them down?
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