The ability to influence your children for God is one of the greatest gifts you have. Losing that ability means the death of your parenting. Join AMBrewster for a vital discussion concerning how to maintain influence in your home.
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You've made it to Episode 4, and I’m glad you did because we’re going to discuss a hugely important factor in a healthy relationship between parent and child. You may not have considered the importance of our topic today. I know I didn’t truly appreciate it until I moved to the Northwoods of Wisconsin and started working at Victory Academy for Boys.
You see, we work with teens in crisis, and every family that sends their boy to our school has one vital element in common: in each situation dad and mom have lost something without which it’s impossible to parent. They lost their influence. In every situation mom and dad no longer had the ability to influence their son. It’s at this place where most parents start looking for help. They may have spoken to pastors or friends before this, but when they reach the point where nothing they say or do has any affect, their next move is to google someone, anyone who can influence their son. The ability to influence our children is rarely appreciated until it’s lost. And when it’s lost it’s very hard to recapture. I’d like to take a future episode to consider “How to Win Back Your Influence,” and if that’s a topic you would be very interested in, please email us at [email protected]. But today I want to dedicate this episode to the parents who’ve not lost their influence. Today’s episode is called “Don’t Lose Your Influence,” and we’re going to look to God’s Word to see what influence is and how to maintain and invest in this invaluable parenting commodity.
Conclusion: People may ignore your admonishment because they reject God’s Truth. If that’s the case, they need to be evangelized. But if a genuine brother or sister rejects our admonition, it’s likely because we’re being unloving, unbiblical -- actually both -- and therefore are impotent to be used by God to influence another. If you’ve realized that you have lost the ability to minister truth to the heart of believers in your life, I would encourage you to talk with one of our pastors. Threatening, shaming, and nagging are so easy to do, but they’re all dynamiting your relationships. Restoring your ability to influence includes what we’ve seen today, but there are other vital steps that will need to be taken in the process. Turn around before you get there. Don’t lose your influence!
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September 2024