Streamwood Apiaries
Brevard, North Carolina
If you're interested in purchasing honey, honeybees, and/or beekeeping equipment please click on an image below.
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About Streamwood Apiaries
- We've been keeping bees for 10 years across 3 states. We've had hives in Illinois, Wisconsin, and North Carolina.
- Our hives are 100% chemical free. Our approach to beekeeping is completely natural.
- We run nothing but 10-frame, medium Langstroth hives and supers. We love the consistency of Illinois-style hives. We also prefer solid plastic frames. We use black frames in our brood boxes for easy egg identification and white frames in our honey supers for easy honey identification. Of course, we also use comb foundation on wooden frames for our comb production.
- Our preferred bees are Carniolans. They are incredibly gentle and easy to work with. Due to their region of origin, they are more likely to forage on cold, wet days than other types of bees and rank among the best for overwintering. In addition, they create very little propolis and build up their numbers rapidly in the spring. Carniolan bees are also adept at handling dearths and rapidly adjust brood production based on the availability of food. They are a little more likely to swarm than Italians, so it’s important to be sure they have plenty of room. When it comes to hive diseases and pests, Carniolans tend to be quite capable of fending off parasites and show good resistance to many diseases. We also love the deep, dark color of purebred Carniolan Queens. See below!