During the months of December, January, and February we celebrate the Season of Grace.
God shows us Grace when He gives us anything and everything we do not justly deserve. The Lord graciously provides physical and spiritual life, a relationship with Him, His Word, the church, and countless
benefits including the trials and tests He uses to conform us into the image of Christ.
Holidays: Advent, the Twelve Days of Christmas, and Valentine’s Day
Solemnity: the necessity of Judgement for Sin
God shows us Grace when He gives us anything and everything we do not justly deserve. The Lord graciously provides physical and spiritual life, a relationship with Him, His Word, the church, and countless
benefits including the trials and tests He uses to conform us into the image of Christ.
Holidays: Advent, the Twelve Days of Christmas, and Valentine’s Day
Solemnity: the necessity of Judgement for Sin
Season of Grace Holidays
Season of Grace Podcast Episodes
Resources for your Celebration Wall