Valentines is a celebration of love, therefore, it's the perfect time to worship God for loving us before we first loved Him! Valentine's Day is observed on February 14th.
Valentine's Day Podcast Episodes
Valentine's Checklist

Valentine's Checklist.pdf |
Valentine's Bible Reading

Valentine's Bible Reading.pdf |

How Do We Know if We Love God?.pdf |
Valentine's Anticipations
- Creation Week -- Thank the Lord for loving us enough to create you and this world.
- Day of Atonement -- God loves us enough to design a plan to redeem us from our sin.
- Advent -- The Lord loves us. He came to show His love, and He will return to collect His bride.
- Christmas -- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
- Easter -- Jesus' obedience to His Father and love for us drove Him to die on the cross and raise to life on the third day in order to conquer death and hell for us.
- Mother's Day -- A mother's love is a reflection of God's love.
- Pentecost -- God designed the church to live out His love on earth.
- Father's Day -- A father's love is a reflection of God's love.
- Scripture Day -- God loved us so much He gave us everything we would need to know about Him in His Word.
- The Consummation -- God's love will one day motivate Him to return and remove His church from this sin-cursed world!
Additional Valentine's/Love/Friends/Emotions podcast episodes from AMBrewster
Valentine's Images for Your Celebration Wall and Social Media