Protect Young MindsLed by Kristen A. Jenson, author of the best-selling Good Pictures Bad Pictures series of children’s books, Protect Young Minds™ (PYM) seeks to help parents “porn-proof” their kids before they come across highly addictive and easily accessible internet pornography.
Prepare Your Kids to Protect Themselves from Porn: Until our society makes the internet safe for kids, parents must be proactive in teaching what pornography is, why it’s dangerous and exactly how to reject it. The good news is that you CAN DO it! Help Your Child Heal from Porn Exposure or Addiction:It can be scary to find out your kids have viewed pornography. How should I respond? Can I help them stop? Parents can help their kids heal from pornography use. We have a SMART Plan to show you how. Educate Your Family and Friends about the Effects of Porn: Are you excited to share the message that kids can learn to reject pornography? You provide the enthusiasm, and we’ll provide the tools to help you educate your family and friends about the effects of porn. Click here to listen to Kristen's interview with AMBrewster. |