"I love you" is important, but there's another phrase that's equally important.
If we don't root our ideas in God's Word, we can accidentally communicate things that are untrue.
How much care and concern should we exercise to help our children understand their emotions?
There's not a word you will ever speak that God doesn't want in The House.
Revolving Priorities will help parents not get distracted in their parenting.
If you haven't asked your child this question, do it today!
Is it appropriate to raise your voice with your children?
Disagreements aren't all bad.
Debates aren't always Christ-honoring, but that doesn't mean they can't be.
Join Natasha Crain as she discusses that the foundation of keeping your kids on God's side is talking to them about God.
Join Jessica Mair to discuss tattling. It's always a sin, but how do you teach your kids to stop?
Join Natasha Crain to learn how to talk to our kids about God
Parenting is hard, and it's can seem downright impossible when there's no time. Learn how to say what needs to be said without wasting time or neglecting Truth.
Parenting is hard, and it's can seem downright impossible when there's no time. Learn how to say what needs to be said without wasting time or neglecting Truth.
We need to ask our kids questions, but some are better than others.
The War of Words may be the best communication resource available.
Learn the joy of repeating yourself!
What does God think about the joking in your family?
Is there any room in our parenting for anger?
What do you do when your kids' first response is "I don't know"?
God's talk is concrete, and ours should be too.
What percentage of your parenting is quoting Scripture?
Learn from two fantastic Biblical examples of Revolving Priorities.
Only God has the answers to our broken communication.
Learning how to apologize tunes the heart after God's.
Learning how to apologize tunes the heart after God's.
It can be challenging to teach our kids to apologize. It can be more challenging to accept them.
Christ-honoring family talk is valuable even if its not remembered.